Monday, January 26, 2009

An Update for the Sake of an Update

Hi everybody!

Just figured I'd drop an update on you. Just some fun stats that I was thinking about as it rained enough to drown a small village yesterday.

Days since arrival: 24
Shows seen since arrival: 8 (at the National Theatre: 3)
Shows on my list to see (not including those for class): 25 (give or take)
Different theatres visited: 6
Cups of tea consumed: more than I can count
Pictures taken of Big Ben: about 30 - but from various artsy points.
Tube lines taken: 5
Times I've gotten lost: 6
Times I've managed to get un-lost: 6
Times I've watched LOST: 1 (WHAT THE FUCK to that season premiere....)
Books I've read: 5
Sherlock Holmes books purchased: 8 (Penguin has a GROOVY set they just published... I had to)
Concerts I've missed because they were already sold out/I didn't know about them: 2
Times I've been pick-pocketed: 1 (they got my London Moleskine... wanker...)
Pubs visited: 4
American friends I've seen: 2 (Caiti and Riley! woo! and soon Tina!)
Drunk Londoners seen: too many to count... too drunk to have counted...
Cabs taken: 2
Times I've missed you guys: very many
Money spent: quite a lot... oops.
Classes done: 4
Classes to go: 7 (yep. count 'em.)
Percentage of the way through the semester: 33.33333333333....%
Trips planned: 2
Countries visited: 1 (England!)
Days I've been happy here: nearly all
Times my cleaning lady has asked me to make her an egg for breakfast: 1 - it was a terrifying experience.

A semester in London: priceless.
For everything else, there's my VISA card. Because its accepted everywhere. Except, apparently, the Young Vic's website.

Hope auditions went well for everyone and that the semester is off to a wonderful and rolling start. I'll see some of you soon, some of you sooner, and some of you later.

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