Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Nij begins

Echoing Drew's sentiments on updating for the hell of updating...

I miss you all so much. And BC. And America. And everything. I don't know if you who are already abroad had the same sentiments, but I've generally just been overcome with homesickness and feeling like I made a huge mistake in coming here. I'm hoping--desperately--that this will pass.

I'll tell you one thing, though: never have I been so grateful for my friends and family. They have always been close at hand to pick me up and dry my tears, and now that they're not, it's really difficult to function. Their absence is overshadowing everything about the present. Whatever. I guess I'm just a big baby, is all.

Nijmegen, as one might expect, is super Dutch. No touristy bullshit here. Which makes it a bit difficult to get around, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I got a bike, and after some small repairs, Priscilla is serving quite nicely as a tool for assimilation.

Orientation, which is essentially one big pub crawl with a day trip to Amsterdam at the end of the week, starts tonight. Send good friend-making karma, please.

Love and angst,


  1. I'll return the sentiments and echo what you said - I still have bouts of homesickness and I've been here for nearly a month.

    Yesterday and Monday, for example, were awful. I was miserable and wanted nothing more than to go home and see everyone and have everyone together.
    It does pass, though. You'll find a fun place that you can kind of make your own - where you can go to have you time or whatever - and you'll meet at least a few friends (you're more outgoing than I am - I mean, most people are, so...) who you can hang out with. And hey, if you get really down, just come visit some of us. Or, if you get REALLY down, just remember that its not like you're moving there for the rest of eternity. I wake up every morning and tell myself "you're in London - today is an awesome day if just for that fact." doesn't always work, but its a nice sentiment that you might be able to adopt and it sure does make mornings a little better.

    that's my karma. good luck!

  2. ahh maggie... I definitely feel you on that too. I even get it at the most random times, not even when something reminds me of someone at home (which is often as well). But I've met a lot of really fun people here and even a couple who I could see myself becoming good friends with (or who we're on the way to becoming good friends) and you are incredibly friendly so I have no doubt you'll make some great friends. Just hang in there! Some days suck a lot and then some days, it's sunny and 50 degrees and you're having a good hair day and you've got your favorite music going and then you go to a wine tasting class and then get gelato with your new friends. That happens too. Only the dutch version.
