Monday, January 5, 2009

Proper Hammered

RIGHT! So its been one hell of a couple of days.

Let's get the basics out of the way: I'm homesick by varying degrees and miss all of you terribly. Some days or even moments are better than others. I'm hoping Caiti's arrival at the end of the week makes me feel better - knowing that there's someone else here, cause its lonely knowing you guys are all still in the States. Though I might be meeting up with Riley on Thursday! So that'll be fun too!

Orientation was not-so-much orientating as disorientating. or disorienting. I'm getting phrases mixed up here - they use different things, obviously, and so sometimes its like "uhh.... what did you say?"

Classes started yesterday. However, before I could go to class, I had to formally enroll and get my id card and stuff. You can't get into buildings without an id card. Enrollment started at 10:30. I had a 10am class, followed by one at 11 and one at 2 - back to back to back. A dilemma, to be sure. So I went over to the offices where they were doing ids right at 10, when they opened. I lucked out and got in right away, so at this point we're only like three minutes later for class. Or so it seems.
They don't have anything like we do with Agora, where they tell you where your classes are online or in a nice, easy, user-friendly manner. You have to go to the department office and find your class on this big list. Sounds easy enough, except I have no freaking clue where the department offices are. Turns out everything that isn't science or math is in the Arts Building (which also houses the Harold Pinter studio theatre, for those of you theatre buffs in the crowd). So I finally make my way into the building, which can only be accessed from the street, which is a bit silly. I figure out quickly where my Reading Theatre class and the Hitchcock class are - but they're the 2 and 11 (respectively). So I finally go into the poli sci secretaries office and ask about my 10am and, since I'm there, the class I was supposed to have today at 12. They tell me the 10am is on the first floor of that building - sweet, no problem - but that they can't find my other class. It turns out... that the class I was registered for is in fact not being offered this semester. How I managed to get REGISTERED for it is beyond anyone. They, however, helpfully say "you need another class" and I was like "UHHHHH no idea - gotta go to this one first!"

SO I run downstairs, this whole thing having taken longer than expected or anticipated or hoped. I get into my class, The British Political System, about 20 minutes in. I try to slip in and am very quiet, but the professor, of course, stops and looks up at me. Awkward. Great start. It also turns out that all of the discussion sections (which they don't tell you about when you sign up for classes...) are during my other two Monday classes. So I have to figure THAT one out...
The Hitchcock class was a nice breather. About 45 minutes of lecture, then a film. We watch Strangers on a Train this past week. We get a film EVERY week too. Awesome. A nice midday break. Discussion later this week - we'll see how that goes.
Reading Theatre seems fun - a lot of shows for very cheap (I think it ends up being 8 for 90 pounds, which is great on all levels. It would be 9, but I'm missing one for the Rome trip). First show is tomorrow night at the Young Vic. It's called Amazonia. And has gotten shitty reviews. But I don't care that much, simply because I'm getting out to see a show!
Today, I tried to get my class thing resolved... that didn't happen. Most of the English modules (classes) are filled, so I have to meet tomorrow with my abroad advisor and see what he can do for me - there's a poli sci option too, but this might be an opportunity to get into a Shakespeare class.

Finally met all of my flatmates yesterday. We had a party last night, actually, for one of them who just turned 20. Side note: I'm the oldest person in the flat. What. The. Fuck.
There's Dan, who is a chain-smoking punk-mixed-with-hippie kind of guy. British.
There's Katy, whose name I actually don't know if I've spelled properly, but she reminds me of a British Carol. Sort of the mom of the flat, but a cool mom. British - obviously.
There's Caty, whose name I also don't know if I've spelled correctly, but she was the one who turned 20 yesterday. I've talked to her the least, so I know the least about her. British.
There's Charlotte, who kind of reminds me of Jen Winslow, if Jen was British. ...predictably, British.
There's Daveed - no idea if its actually spelled that way, but thats how his name is pronounced. He's NOT British but in fact another abroad-er, from the Bahamas. Goes to Miami. Hooray ACC! A bit of a loner, but that might just be the jet lag.

Speaking of, its awful. Jet lag. If you have a night flight, you try to sleep, and you think that'll work out. Perhaps it has helped me - I don't really know. But I like to take naps as it is... I slept from 2 to 9 this morning and then from 1030 to 2 (after my failed attempt to get into another class). I would have slept longer except I forced myself to go get a SIM card and do some grocery shopping.
For those interested: 0781 243 7823 is my number!
I'm probably going to cook something for dinner... and then go to bed. I mean, maybe I'll sit up with the flatmates for a bit, but honestly I could sleep for a freaking day.

So yeah. That's about it. The homesickness has been coming and going - talking about it helps, I'll give that advice. It's just so strange to look up at night and not recognize the stars. That's probably been the strangest thing - plus, you all know how "cosmic" I can be, with the Zodiac and stuff. not the killer. though that's a good movie.
Okay. Signing off for now.

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