Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Theatre, Round One

First off, a shout out to Carr on a Bike. Love it. I only found it through clicking on the following-this-blog link - I'm not THAT creepy.

Second off, I'm seeing Riley tomorrow! I didn't already mention that, did I? I mean, its confirmed now!

Third off, I saw my first London play today. Called Amazonia, at the Young Vic. It wasn't very good. One actor was pretty talented and the movement pieces were pretty fantastic, but the music... the staging... the play itself... not very good. It also devolved into a Chuck Mee style dance at the end that had nothing to do with anything... which is okay in a Chuck Mee, but not when its completely random and at the end of an otherwise more-linear and less Chuck Mee-y play. Interesting staging - in the round, but with a HUGE wooden "tree" in the middle that actually blocked a lot of action at various points throughout the play... so that sucked. Also, the play is all about saving the rainforest, so it begs the question of why you put a whacking great thing of 2x4s as your only set piece... seriously, at least an entire tree went into building this set. PROBABLY from the amazon. Nice going, Young Vic.

Next up: something theatrical with Caiti (hopefully Hamlet... or August: Osage County...).
There's a play at the Old Vic directed by Kevin Spacey with Richard Dreyfuss called "Complicit" that looks quite good... who wants to go see it in the next month-ish? Tina, does that sound like something you'd want to see when you're visiting us before heading to Bath?

oh, ps... I'm actually done classes at the end of MARCH... and then I have a month... and then I might not even need to be back for finals, depending on if any of them are sit-down or not... so let's discuss inter-Euro travel, yeah?



    oh, to be in london right now. =/

  2. Euro-travel or....just coming back early?!?!

  3. oh, there will be Euro travel... but perhaps an early return. Depends, I guess, on when my finals end up being scheduled.
