Saturday, January 17, 2009

Brief Note. Really.

You're probably all a bit sick of hearing from me, so I'll keep this brief.

One: I met Dr. Watson yesterday and had tea with him. and wandered around Holmes' suite for like an hour.

Two: I saw August: Osage County today. Caiti, we'll discuss after you see it... because I felt this way, it may be that you hate it. But so be it - I've never been so powerfully moved by a production. I was sobbing at the end. I mean, literally, tears (multiple) streaming down my face. I felt like an idiot walking to the Tube because my eyes were still all bleary and I was clearly an emotional wreck.
Maybe its just because I could draw so many parallels to my own dysfunctional family (don't worry - mine is a fun dysfunctional. not a fucked up dysfunctional, like the Westons in the play). But wow. wow wow wow.


  1. my mama loved it, too. she's a crier, so she probably had the same reaction.

  2. So, we're back to business as usual. It was pretty crap when I saw it. Not necessarily the writing, though nothing that great stood out, but the acting was just painful.

  3. Oh, and I saw an ad for that museum (I think in the Evening Standard) and meant to tell you about it! I'm going to go see it soon, but I don't know when exactly... Did you like it?
