Saturday, February 21, 2009

Party Down Under

The students are finally starting to arrive in the city, so it doesn't seem as though there should be tumbleweeds floating down the road everynight. Been going out almost everynight since I got here in one form or another. Keep convincing myself that it's not really alcoholism until AFTER college. Orientation for the whole university starts this week. Apparently, it's a major shitshow of freshman. On the brightside all these amazing New Zealand bands are coming including The Black Seeds, which Brett McKensie used to be a member of. I love concerts, so it should be lovely.
It's so weird not having school for so long. My actual classes don't start until March 2nd. The other day we had "course approval", which makes you actually appreciate AGORA and UIS. Imagine having to walk around to get professor's signatures next to each course. To make it worse they don't know when the courses are, but you find out at the end that they all are at the same fucking time. After 2 hours of struggling, with a killer hangover and an empty stomach. I had acheived NOTHING. I went back to my flat to take a breather and figure everything out. Eventually, I chose almost all new classes. It was also really weird for me, because at school my class schedule is usually completley figured out for me. I have a new found respect for all you A&S kids who actually have to decide which classes you are going to take! In the end I signed up for: NZ art history, a NZ english class, Maori History (first peoples of NZ), and Neurophysiology. I'm planning on dropping Neuro like it's hot if it's too hard. This is my underacheiving semester.

Last week, I went on a two day hike/camp about an hour south of Dunedin (the city I'm in, for those who are oh so behind). It was a lovely trip the scenery here is beyond amazing. We discussed the difficulties of chosing locations for shooting LOTR due to all the gorgeousnesss. All the New Zealand students have such a skewed view of Americans, since most of the americans who come here are super outdoorsey, and love hiking etc. It's quite humorous, since i would not say that those type of people make up a very large percentage of Americans.
I will try to post photos as soon as I get wireless!

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