Friday, December 26, 2008

Italy recommendations

So... in an effort to see if this thing works... (or if it's just one of Drew's ways of pushing his love of blogging on us...) I did have something that I wanted everyone's opinions on before I leave for Rome! Several people have been to Italy before and mentioned places I definitely have to go or things I have to see, and if you could post them here (or email me, if we're not jumping on Drew's bandwagon), that would be incredibly useful in my planning of trips and outings!

Thanks! And I hope everybody had a great Christmas!


  1. Graaace Faaace - Milk was so good, I am recommending it to everyone and their mothers.

    Rome recommendations - there is a pizza place at the metro stop of the Spanish steps - eat a slice and think of me, your gf buddy, while you are there. Also the Spanish steps are an excellent place to scope out cute Italians- I have picture proof

    As far as ruins go, the Parthenon is really amazing - the history, the fact that it is still so intact, the architecture (I mean a giant round building with a huge whole in the top? only the Italians) Ignore the McDonalds across the street (my father almost cried) and check out a cool jewelery store around the corner. Behind the Parthenon there are some interesting novelty shops as well.

    The Forum really didn't do much for me, but close by is Livia's (Augustus' wife) house. It's really beautiful, well preserved, and with great views of the city on Palatine hill. Also the Baths of Caracalla are pretty sweet.

    Vatican city is always a beautiful trip and if you can, see if there are any student outings to the catacombs. You can go on special tours underneath St. Peters and see not only where Pope John Paul II (original bamf) is buried but where the tomb of St. Peter supposedly is. You all know I'm not a super religious person, but it is very awe inspiring- and its also were Jamie almost got into a fight with some obnoxious Germans who were trying to take pictures at a sacred spot

    And if you get homesick, head over to the British breakfest/tea house [on the left side of the Spanish steps if you are look up at the steps (can you tell what my favorite neighborhood is?)] its got very yummy tea and breakfast there and is classier than say, McDonalds

    I have pictures pictures pictures If you're interested!

  2. Hey lovely,

    I second Tina on Vatican City. You absolutely must visit the Vatican Museum/the Sistine Chapel. It's magnificent.

    I would also suggest visiting the Trevi Fountain. It was my favorite place in Rome. The sculptures there are absolutely gorgeous, and it's always packed with people.

    You might also want to try an obelisk search. There are something like eleven scattered throughout the city, brought in from Egypt who knows when. If nothing else, it's a fun way to get to know the city. I think one is located at the top of the Spanish Steps (to give you a head start).

    Also, if you want to get out of Rome, the Tivoli Gardens are beautiful. I took a tour there when I was little. They have a few cats that meander the gardens and look cute. (I wonder if they only understand Italian?)

    Oooh, I almost forgot, there's a really good hole-in-the-wall food place known as Amici's a few blocks away from the Spanish Steps. If you want directions, give me a call and I'll try to give them to you (I don't remember street names, but I remember landmarks, so I should be able to get you there).

    I hope that helps. Have an amazing time!!
